OMNI™ Condenser Intelligence
Com tecnologia ECOLAB3D™
Alterações mecânicas, operacionais e químicas podem fazer com que o condensador opere de forma ineficiente, o que afeta a eficiência da usina de energia e causa penalidades financeiras significativas.
OMNI Condenser Intelligence delivers secure data analytics in real time with new insights and solutions that help predict and help prevent operational problems. Sophisticated condenser performance monitoring and visibility allows you to move from being reactive to proactive. With OMNI Condenser Intelligence, you can help boost power plant efficiency, enhance efficiency and minimize operating costs.
The program combines data analytics with 3D TRASAR™ digital insights, 24/7 condenser performance monitoring, and on-site expertise—the critical human element—that helps support reliability, performance and maximum efficiency.
Watch to see OMNI Condenser Intelligence in Action
Benefits of OMNI Condenser Intelligence

Fast Problem Solving
OMNI Condenser Intelligence helps find problems faster and direct troubleshooting efforts more effectively than more common data trending.

Proactive Issue Identification
Predictive analytics helps detect problems before they occur.
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Histórias de sucesso de clientes

3D TRASAR™ Bio-Control Reduces Beach Usage 75%
Uma usina de ciclo combinado no sul do Texas melhora o desempenho e reduz o uso de alvejantes em 75%, representando uma economia de US$ 13 mil por ano.

Adopting a Bio-Dispersant Program Saves Money
One of the offerings of the OMNI Condenser Intelligence program saved PacifiCorp Naughton Station over $900,000 in maintenance, lost production, and fuel costs.

Condense Programs Helps Plant to Realize $600K in Annual Economic Recovery
O Constellation Energy Nuclear Group (CENG) usa o programa de limpeza de condensadores para reduzir as concentrações de oxidantes e aumentar a capacidade.

OMNI e seu Enterprise Operation
Learn more about how OMNI digital solutions can enable collaboration and help realize savings within your industrial water treatment program.