OMNI™ Heat Exchanger Intelligence
Com tecnologia ECOLAB3D™
The profitability of your plant depends on efficient water and energy use. Nalco Water offers OMNI Heat Exchanger Intelligence, a comprehensive program combining in-depth system audits, 24/7 monitoring, unique diagnostic tools, and consultative services to help optimize heat transfer and improve reliability.
Watch to Learn About OMNI Heat Exchanger Intelligence
OMNI Heat Exchanger Intelligence Success Stories

Gaining Unique Insight into Cooling Water and Heat Exchanger Performance
A test Heat Exchanger, part of the OMNI Heat Exchanger Intelligence program, was installed in an ammonia production facility to monitor the performance of the cooling water system and compare results to traditional monitoring methods.

Building the Strategy to Avoid Downtime in Texas VCM Plant
OMNI Heat Exchanger Intelligence helped enable the customer to make critical decisions about propylene condenser operations in order to achieve maximum efficiency and highest reliable performance.

See More Examples of OMNI in Action for the Chemical Industry
These collected case studies illustrate how OMNI Heat Exchanger Intelligence monitoring provides bottom-line savings by early detection and pro-active response to declining heat transfer performance.

Uma solução completa para trocadores de calor
OMNI Heat Exchanger Intelligence is a series of digitally enabled processes that deliver real-time, secure, and comprehensive analytics focused on heat exchanger condition and performance.
Há quatro componentes no produto: monitoramento 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, pesquisas de fluxo e temperatura de todo o sistema, inspeções do trocador de calor* e análise de manutenção*. O monitoramento 24/7 da eficiência e desempenho da transferência de calor dos trocadores de calor críticos ajuda a permitir a detecção precoce de problemas e uma resposta proativa a quaisquer problemas.
Os outros componentes digitais produzem uma variedade de percepções para ajudar a otimizar a confiabilidade e o desempenho do sistema e ajudar a reduzir o consumo de energia e os custos de manutenção. Actions taken as a result of OMNI Heat Exchanger Intelligence will help boost your plant's profitability and contribute to sustainability goals.
OMNI digital solutions, powered by the ECOLAB3D digital intelligence platform, are supported by experienced engineers and Ecolab Global Intelligence Center support.
*Onde estiver disponível

OMNI Digital Solutions, powered by ECOLAB3D™, and Your Enterprise System
Learn more about how OMNI digital solutions can enable collaboration and optimize real savings within your industrial water treatment program.

Percepções digitais ajudam empresas a obter melhor visibilidade de suas operações
Complete the form to receive a technical article with 3 case studies demonstrating how OMNI Heat Exchanger Intelligence helped industrial plants improve productivity and profitability.